What are the advantages of escrow design?

In what cases an escrow agreement is preferable to other types of transactions? It gives clear benefits in several situations.

For example, when there is an “exclusive” legal regulation established by law for the property being deposited.

Or when it is necessary to independently determine the basis for full payment. An escrow agent performs a compliance check on the fact of the property specified in the list or the occurrence of legal actions, for example, a change of management or shareholders.

When concluding an escrow-agreement, the beneficiary is insured against default by the depositor, regardless of the complexity of his economic situation, force majeure, etc.

For the debts of the beneficiary, a claim is made on his claim to the escrow agent for the transfer of the deposited property. This scheme allows you to insure the safety of assets, for example, when buying a business or at different stages of a complex transaction.

This construction also works well under lease agreements, where part of the rent may be deposited, and the contract provides for the return to the tenant of this amount in the absence of damage to property during the lease. If the leased property is damaged, the lessor will receive the deposited amount. It will act as a kind of insurance against possible damage.

Escrow agreements are also convenient to use in inter-creditor agreements. The debtor reimburses the escrow agent's debt, and he acts as an intermediary distributor between creditors under the contract in fulfillment of obligations for debts.

Very important information for the beneficiary: it is impossible to collect, arrest or take other measures in respect of the deposited property on the debts of the depositor or escrow agent. The law determines this measure in respect of any property, therefore, the funds deposited are also protected.

 Well-protected and arranged holiday

After listening to friends who boasted that they themselves made a travel to Montenegro, having independently booked an accommodation on the site booking.com we decided to follow their example. We chose a hotel with quality-price ratio being very good, in our opinion. During the booking process, we provided our credit card details, although payment for the accommodation booked on this site is made on site upon arrival, the hotel reserved the right to charge our card of the daily cost of accommodation there. All this would be normal until three days later we received notification that the cost of our accommodation would be almost twice the booked, and we could cancel the reservation only with the loss of the daily cost of hotel accommodation withheld from our card. All attempts to deal with the situation, either appeal to the website, or to the hotel, led to nothing. This feeling of complete powerlessness and helplessness in this situation was remembered for a long time. Therefore, on the first trip by Alliance Family Club we were able to appreciate all the advantages of a holiday well-organized and protected by the trustee Global Actual Services.

The Zholdoskaliyevs family (Kazakhstan)
The members of the club, the owners of T1