How trust protects your investment

In the modern world, where the state boards are nearly no obstacles, possessing a property in another state, or continent, or even on the other side of the world has become commonplace. Moreover, thanks to the high demand for the sharing of material goods, in particular real estate, which continues increasing from year to year, trust management is a reliable and effective alternative to sole ownership.

Own the property together with your friends or even people strange to you

We implement the schemes of co-ownership of material assets that allow the people familiar or strange to each other to use the property and to obtain from such use to the maximum benefit and enjoyment.

Get dispose of conflicts and arguments

Legally competent separation of rights between co-owners that is developed, implemented and controlled by our company, guarantees the absence of disputes and conflicts between co-owners.

The trustee is your attentive and strict arbitrator

We are trusted, because our judgments and actions are always carried out in full compliance with applicable law and with the terms of use accepted by all co-owners. We always strive to satisfy the wishes of each co-owner, but the rights of all others are always taken into account.

 GAS is better than a civil law notary

Since I have been working in the real estate sector in the Russian market for many years, moving from the usual membership in the Alliance Family Club to shared ownership, I made such an analogy for myself. Registration of any transaction for the acquisition of real estate is carried out through a civil law notary. This is an essential condition for ensuring and confirming the legality of the transfer of property. In the Club, the similar notary functions are performed by Global Actual Services trust company, officially registered in the Kingdom of Thailand. However, I saw the progressivity of this Trustee in attracting the owners of the Club to participate in the management. No notary can offer his client access to the process of studying and obtaining information on his case. That is why we sometimes hear about the sensational cases of so-called "black notaries". The involvement of the Club members to shared participation in Global Actual Services excludes such a possibility, as each shareholder has access to all information related to the trust management of the Club's property.

Ernest Zabolotskiy (Russia) comments upon the advantages of shared ownership
The owner of a real estate Agency