How trust protects your investment
In the modern world, where the state boards are nearly no obstacles, possessing a property in another state, or continent, or even on the other side of the world has become commonplace. Moreover, thanks to the high demand for the sharing of material goods, in particular real estate, which continues increasing from year to year, trust management is a reliable and effective alternative to sole ownership.
Own the property together with your friends or even people strange to you
We implement the schemes of co-ownership of material assets that allow the people familiar or strange to each other to use the property and to obtain from such use to the maximum benefit and enjoyment.
Get dispose of conflicts and arguments
Legally competent separation of rights between co-owners that is developed, implemented and controlled by our company, guarantees the absence of disputes and conflicts between co-owners.
The trustee is your attentive and strict arbitrator
We are trusted, because our judgments and actions are always carried out in full compliance with applicable law and with the terms of use accepted by all co-owners. We always strive to satisfy the wishes of each co-owner, but the rights of all others are always taken into account.
I can remember that in my childhood my parents traditionally exchanged their homes with their best friends’ family for a week. It was always a memorable travel. I dreamt then how wonderful it would to have such friends everywhere and to travel to different parts of the world. As a kind fairy godmother, Alliance Family Club has realized my dream in the adult life. Meetings, communication and discussion of the projects with other shareholders of Global Actual Services naturally give me an opportunity to have many good friends round the whole world. Please, don’t change your dreams just because you don't know how to make them come true. You’ll learn with us how to do that!
Nana Franchetti about holiday ownerhip
The head of the Trust Company Global Actual Services