Our service

Since 2001, our company has been providing professional trust services to clients all over the world. The best experts in the field of financial management, administration and law will provide you with the optimal scheme for managing capital and assets being personally yours or trusted to you. All our employees are true professionals. We monitor the proper use of your assets, ensuring the best interests of each client.

Our company provides a wide range of services:

• acceptance for management of real estate and other property

• keeping of monthly accounting records of the client

• secretarial services

• consulting services

• escrow services

• acceptance of management fees

• maintaining the customer database

• scustody of securities

 I’m a custodian of my parents’ traditions

I can remember that in my childhood my parents traditionally exchanged their homes with their best friends’ family for a week. It was always a memorable travel. I dreamt then how wonderful it would to have such friends everywhere and to travel to different parts of the world. As a kind fairy godmother, Alliance Family Club has realized my dream in the adult life. Meetings, communication and discussion of the projects with other shareholders of Global Actual Services naturally give me an opportunity to have many good friends round the whole world. Please, don’t change your dreams just because you don't know how to make them come true. You’ll learn with us how to do that!

Nana Franchetti about holiday ownerhip
The head of the Trust Company Global Actual Services