Our service
Since 2001, our company has been providing professional trust services to clients all over the world. The best experts in the field of financial management, administration and law will provide you with the optimal scheme for managing capital and assets being personally yours or trusted to you. All our employees are true professionals. We monitor the proper use of your assets, ensuring the best interests of each client.
Our company provides a wide range of services:
• acceptance for management of real estate and other property
• keeping of monthly accounting records of the client
• secretarial services
• consulting services
• escrow services
• acceptance of management fees
• maintaining the customer database
• scustody of securities
ISO 9000 is a series of the international standards describing the demands to the system of quality management used by the major brands. I have been an auditor by these standards for many years and understand pretty well what can be called a quality goods at the market. Do you think that my business takes my whole time? No! I travel with my family a lot. Alliance Family Club with the trustee Global Actual Services are that very case when the need in something meets a reliable provision of the service.
Sergey Petrov (Russia)
An auditor, a member of Alliance Club