Additional service for the owners
Exchange organization
The Exchange organization MECA was elaborated concerning the needs of the Russian KSO holders. Due to this organization, the owners are able to independently select in which country and resort to use their weeks. For MESA exchange system, they have been selected the best resorts, mostly with the Russian-speaking staff and with excursions in Russian.
The information for the owners of the Club vacation
You can also apply to one of the companies listed below for getting of the detailed information about the exchange systems:
• Please, get in contact with RDO or TATOS for the resorts and clubs in Europe.
• Please, get in contact with ARDA for the resorts in North America
• Please, get in contact with TVOA for the resorts in Asia
Before becoming the members of Alliance Family Club, we had a few years of vacationing, buying trips from a tour operator. We shudder at the memories of our last trip to Turkey by this tour operator. We were brought to the hotel, but were denied its services, because it turned out that the tour operator had not transferred the money for accommodation. This was exactly the moment when this operator went bankrupt, and thousands of families were in the same situation in Turkey, Egypt and other countries. After all this, of course, we liked the idea of owning our own accommodation in the Club, wherever we went on vacation. Moreover, it is especially nice to know that thanks to the trust management of Global Actual Services we are protected from the influence of any force majeure.
The Gritsenkos family (Ukraine)
The members of the club, the owners of T2